Legal notice

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2 Kellermann Street
59100 Roubaix – France.
08 203 203 63 n ° indigo (€ 0.118 / min)


This website is published by THEORIS

Design, development, graphic design and maintenance par PULSAR

Hosting: dedicated server at OVH
Software used: wordpress

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The site is accessible from any location, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, except in cases of force majeure, planned or unscheduled interruption and which may result from a need for maintenance.
In the event of modification, interruption or suspension of services, the site cannot be held responsible.

Copyright © Theoris

The site is covered by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents, photographic and iconographic representations. Reproduction of all or part of the site on an electronic medium is strictly prohibited.